Research and Development:
  • Pavement Design, and Performance;   • Environment and Sustainability; and
  • Engineering Optimization;   • Climate Resilient Infrastructure.
 Civil/Structural Engineering:
• Design Optimization and Value Engineering:
• Design of Building Foundations;
• Surface Water Drainage Design;
• Design of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure; and
• Design of Transportation Infrastructure:
   - Highways, and Railways;    - Design of Bridge Foundations and Approach Fill; and
   - Pavement Design;    - Design of Earth Retaining Structures;
   - Pavement Management.  
Geotechnical Engineering:
  • Site Investigation;   • Analysis, and Design of MSE Walls;
  • Site Reconnaissance;   • Slope Stability Analysis;
  • Geo-hazard Assessment;   • Settlement Analysis;
  • Risk Analysis;   • Seepage Analysis;
  • Finite Element Analysis;   • Analysis and Design of Reinforced Earth Slopes;
  • Foundations Design and Optimization;   • Analysis and Design of Embankment Dams; and
  • Climate Resilient Infrastructure Design;   • Climate-Infrastructure Interaction.
Project Management:
  • Infrastructure Asset Management;   • Project Management;
  • Design Management;   • Construction Management; and
  • Engineering Optimization;   • Construction Inspection and Monitoring.
Construction Engineering and QA/QC:
  • Field Review Engineering;   • Engineering Verification;
  • Inspection Planning and Coordination;   • Borrow Source Evaluation;
  • Preparation of Inspection and Test Plans;   • Earthworks Monitoring;
  • Document Review;   • Foundation Bearing Inspection; and
  • Foundation Installation Inspection;   • Material Testing.
Geospatial Services:
  • GIS/2D Vector Mapping;   • LiDAR Services;
  • Remote Sensing;   • 3D and 2D Modeling; and
  • 3D Laser Scanning;   • Photogrammetry.
Environmental Engineering:
  • Environmental Impact Assessment;   • Habitat Assessment; and
  • Environmental Audits and Permits;   • Risk Assessment.
  • Compliance Monitoring;